Shibboleth HackTheBox Writeup


We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions.


We put the domain in our “/etc/hosts” file and access the web site.

There seems to be nothing interesting on the site, I do fuzzing and virtual hosting to get more valid subdomains.

All subdomains found point to the Zabbix dashboard.

After a long time without finding anything, I try again to launch nmap, this time only to UDP ports.

Port 623 appears, used in IPMI services.

We tried using the metasploit scanner and managed to enumerate the version used in the IPMI service.

With the valid credentials, we access the site panel and the Zabbix 5.0.17 version.


We searched for exploits in searchsploit and found a Remote Code Execution (RCE) in our version. (It can’t be a coincidence :P)

Exploit: Zabbix 5.0.17 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Authenticated) - PHP webapps Exploit (

We set a netcat to listen and run the exploit to gain access to the machine:


We access the user folder “ipmi-svc”, but we do not have access to read the file “user.txt”.

We also found the file and .ipmi-svc.log, it turned out to be the tool “” and the log with the result, from here thank the person who left me the dirty work done! ;)

We review what linpeas has put out, we see that we have the database credentials.

We access the MariaDB database, find the hashes of the three users. Here I realized that I had the Zabbix password of the “administrator” user (Administrator aka IPMI Service, does it ring a bell?).

We try to authenticate with the password and yes! We gain access with the user and we can read the flag of user.txt.

PS: I tried to crack the other two hashes, but without success.

Privilege Escalation

After a while of looking around, I was listing software versions that I could use, until I found that I had the solution right under my nose.

This version of MariaDB is vulnerable to command injection by abusing the “wsrep_provider” functionality, we will take advantage of this flaw to load our own malicious binary and gain root access.

Exploit: MariaDB 10.2 - ‘wsrep_provider’ OS Command Execution

We create our malicious binary in which we will insert a reverse shell.

Afterwards, we will put a netcat listening and execute the following command.

mysql -u zabbix -p -e 'SET GLOBAL wsrep_provider="/tmp/";'

We gain root access and we can read the flag root.txt.