KoTH-Food-CTF TryHackMe Writeup
We performed an nmap scan, including all ports and software versions.
We access the web resource on a high port.
On port 16109, it shows an image. This is a CTF, it is possible that this image contains stego, so we download it.
We run the steghide tool without password and get a file containing credentials.
It seems to be very easy, we try the credentials obtained in the SSH service and get access to the machine.
Recall that we had enumerated a MySQL, we tried to access with the default credentials with success, we enumerated the “Users” table, we enumerated the password of the user “ramen” and another flag.
We authenticate as the user “ramen”, but it seems that we will not be able to do much with it.
Privilege Escalation
We launch the tool lse.sh, we enumerate the Screen 4.5.0 binary, I already knew this binary, it has an exploit to escalate privileges.
In my case I did it manually, so I compiled the “libhax.so” and “rootshell” files in my Kali, mounted a server with Python to share the files and executed the following commands to escalate privileges to the root user.
Some of the flags found (My idea was just to root the machine)