Flatline TryHackMe Writeup


We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions.


We access to service on 8021 port, this service have exploit for RCE without authentitation.


Exploit used: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47799

We see is working!

We transfer the netcat to the machine, listen on port 443 and run a netcat on the victim to get an interactive session.

We try to read the root.txt flag, but we don’t have access, so we only read the user.txt flag.

Privilege Escalation

We see the privileges, we identify the famous “SeImpersonatePrivilege”, but I can already tell you that the machine seems to be patched.

We also identify the operating system and its architecture.

We download the “Winpeas” tool, identify a software called “OpenClinic” and a “Tomcat 8”.

There is a local exploit for privilege escalation:

Exploit used: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/50448

We create a malicious binary with “msfvenom” with a reverse shell to our machine on port 5555.

Transfer the malicious binary, rename the file “mysqld.exe” to “mysqld.bak” and replace the malicious binary with “mysqld.exe”.

We set our netcat to listen on port 5555 and restart the victim machine.

In a few minutes, we will get a connection on our machine and as the user “nt authority system”.

Finally, we will read the flag from root.txt.