Driver HackTheBox Writeup


We launch a previous nmap to all ports and launch again an nmap with services and scripts to these ports.


We access the website, we see that we need a username and password to access what looks like a printer administration panel.

We use the credentials “admin:admin” and access the printer control panel. We also enumerate the driver.htb domain, we put it in our “/etc/hosts” file.


We upload a reverse shell in PHP and see that it accepts it.

After trying to upload a file to obtain command execution, we see that it does not work.

We run “” and upload the file. The idea is as follows:

Burp request

Capture NTLMv2 Hash with

We crack the password with the “rockyou” dictionary.

We connect to “evil-winrm” and read the flag from user.txt.

Privilege Escalation

I didn’t bother if there was an alternative route to climbing. Since the machine is called “Driver” and uses “Windows”, I directly escalated privileges by exploiting the “PrintNightmare” vulnerability.

We create a user who will be an administrator.

We connect to evil-winrm, we see that we are administrators and we read the flag of root.txt.