Bolt HackTheBox Writeup
We run nmap on all ports with scripts and software versions.
We put the subdomain in the /etc/hosts file and access the web resource.
We access the resource through port 443 and find a passbolt deployed.
We need invitation for used.
We use hydra on the “bolt.htb/admin” authentication panel and obtain the administrator credentials.
We access with the credentials and go to the mail.
We see that they are having a conversation in which they have uploaded a Docker image to the server.
We do virtualhosting with wfuzz, we find these subdomains:
Create account bolt.htb
Download image.tar
We unzip the files, we find a SQLite database.
Hash cracking
We use grep to search for the invitation code and find a file that exposes it.
We register an account and use the invitation code.
We also have access to email
In testing, we found that it is vulnerable to SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection).
Result for mail
We insert the payload in the name change and apply the changes.
We will receive an email, so we will set a netcat to listen and click on it.
Reverse shell
We do a reconnaissance and find some credentials in the file “passbolt.php”.
We tested these credentials on the user “eddie” and they work!
Privilege Escalation
.config/google-chrome/Default/Local Extension Settings/didegimhafipceonhjepacocaffmoppf/000003.log
We use gpg2john and get the hash in the file to crack it with john.
Cracking with John
Searching for information, we found through Google this link on how to recover a “Passbolt” account with the GPG key and password. Sound familiar?
We access the database with the credentials found above.
Select the user “Eddie”, take his ID and token, this will be the data we need to create the cue recovery link.
Recovery account
Access the link, load the gpg file and now enter your password (the one we cracked earlier with john).
Once inside, we can see the root password.
We authenticate as the root user and read the flag.